We want to lead you into nature to experience its beneficial power.

We are experienced local nature and social educators and guides whose hearts beat for Lapland and the Arctic nature. We provide memorable trips to forests and countryside locations, as well as organize various refreshments, training and event days, and getaways.


Lappish Nature Provides Peace of Mind

We provide excursions to interesting and beautiful locations in the Sea Lapland and Rovaniemi areas. We safely walk through nature with all of our senses open, performing relaxation activities which momentarily allow us let go of our everyday obligations. We are very familiar with northern conditions and guarantee the safety of our excursions through meticulous pre-planning and anticipation. We meet our customers individually and look forward to forming genuine human contacts in safe and accepting atmospheres.

The northern nature and the communities found within this area mean the world to us. As such, our activities seek to provide the highest degree of respect and good stewardship for our nature surroundings; ensuring the proper preservation and wellbeing of these gentle fragile ecosystems. Essentially, when they are doing alright, we do alright, too. Our excursions take us to genuine and authentic places throughout the area - to places whose stories, people and northern everyday lives form an essential part of the entire experience.

We will not run or rush anything – nor do we expect you to. Relaxation, openness, and experiencing feelings and settings that are deeper than just the surface depict everything that we do and what we are about.

How does nature impact your wellbeing?

Research reveals that our surrounding environments can increase or reduce our stress levels, which in turn impacts our bodies. Regardless of age or culture, humans find nature pleasing. Researchers have found that more than two-thirds of people select a natural setting to retreat to when stressed.

Being amongst nature – or even viewing scenes of nature – reduces anger, fear, and stress, while increasing pleasant feelings and emotions. Being exposed to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, but it also contributes to your physical wellbeing; reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress-related hormones.

In addition, nature helps us to cope with pain. Because we are genetically programmed to find trees, plants, water, and other natural elements stimulating, we are captivated by nature scenes and distracted from our pain and discomfort. Studies show that time in nature or within nature settings are associated with a positive mood and psychological wellbeing, meaningfulness, and vitality. It is because humans find nature inherently interesting, that we can naturally focus on what we are experiencing out in nature. This also provides a reprieve for our over-active minds, refreshing us for new tasks.

“Luonnossa vietetty aika yhdistää meidät toisiimme ja ympäröivään maailmaan. Voisi jopa sanoa, että inspiroidumme luonnosta, mikä saa meidät kokemaan yhteyden toisiimme ja ympäristöömme.”

Our Story

We are teacher colleagues and friends to whom nature and exercise in outdoors has been a long time passion and way of life. Modern stressful working life and hurried life style has made us to think about our own health and managing as well as the sustainability of environment.


Enhancing experiences and resources what we have got from nature has motivated us to start business. We want you to feel same wellbeing and joy what we get every day from nature. Important things for us are feeling of unity, helping and supporting each other, unhurried and tranquil life, as well as the appreciation of the nature’s diversity. We want to share experiences which can change your life!


Elina Miettunen

"In my opinion, life should be easy-going; so that we just are here and now and are able to meet one another genuinely. Fortunately, such is life here in Lapland. Hospitality is equal to being cozy together and being willing to take other people into consideration. Should we be but acquaintances when we first meet; we’ll surely part as friends."

Pauliina Myllylä

"In the arms of nature, a person can de-stress, calm down, and get in touch with one’s inner-self and resources. I have experienced that often in my life and hope to provide that experience to everyone. Finding harmony in the nature and among people is what I dream about and want to work towards."


Arctic Emotions Oy
Vaarakoskentie 65
95340 Loue, Tervola
info (at) arcticemotions.com


first name (at) arcticemotions.com


Elina Miettunen
+358 (0)44 2388 977


Pauliina Myllylä
+358 (0)44 2389 000